Membership Application via INTERNET ONLY
If you apply to join you will be covered for the rest of 2023 and all of 2024
If you wish to apply via post then please click the Postal Membership Application button on your left.
This application must include a full face photo which can be sent to as a jpeg. Please make sure on your email you include, name, address and paypal account details.
Payment to be made by clicking the BUY NOW button below.
The total amount payable is £14.00 (£5.50 Joining, £5.50 Annual fee, £3.00 postage and paypal fees).
Please make sure that in the paypal notes you put your name and address.
Membership is from 1st Jan to 31st Dec each year. If you join after the 1st of October your membership will run for the remainder of the year plus the following year to December
You are asked to place your name at the bottom of this form by doing so you are confirming that you are a responsible detectorist and you support the FID Code of Conduct to help, to promote, to protect, and encourage responsible metal detecting.
To pay by paypal click the paypal button DONT FORGET BEFORE PAYING EMAIL PHOTO TO FID AT your application will not be completed without Photo and Payment